Hi there, I'm Chris I'm a Fullstack developer living in Amsterdam working on helping people experience the world, line by line
hello shibe


Booking.com icon
Senior Software Developer
Booking.com - Amsterdam, NL 🇳🇱
September 2021 - Current
Booking.com icon
Fullstack Software Developer
Booking.com - Amsterdam, NL 🇳🇱
May 2018 - August 2021
Cabelas icon
Fullstack Software Developer
Cabelas - Omaha, NE 🌽
May 2015 - April 2018
Kidwell icon
Project Mangement Intern
Kidwell - Lincoln, NE 🌽
September 2014 - May 2014
BitStore icon
IT intern
BitStore GMBH - Berlin, DE 🌭
May 2014 - August 2014

Personal Projects


Karte allows anyone to generate a customizable print quality map of their faviorite places around the world.

Solais Web

Create a lighting color scene based on your faviorite image

Solais Android

Create a ligting scene based on your phones currently playing music album art


A powerful RGB LED light strip effects engine to create vibrant and customizable animations

About Me

Hey there, my name is Chris Ernst, living in Amsterdam for over 2 years. I have over 5 years experience working on the entire web development stack. I leverage Java, JavaScript, Perl and even the occasional bash script to build robust services and tools to improve functionality on websites that have a global audience. I am passionate about discovering the world, meeting and working with as many people from as many backgrounds as possible. I am always eager to learn more about any subject which is why I like to keep an eye out for new advances.

Image of me


Let's have a chat - Get in touch @
